Hale County Strategic Plan
Hale County Strategic Plan 2022-2027
Purpose and Direction
The Vision Statement describes the desired state of the Hale County School System in the next five years. It is realistic enough to be achievable and inspire those involved to help the vision become a reality.
In 2022, we envision that Hale County Schools have well-established and strong partnerships among families, individual schools, the community and its leaders. Working together, we ensure every student has the 21st century skills to excel and be a contributing member of a globally diverse society.
We provide a comprehensive data-driven curriculum aligned with state and national standards that challenges and prepares all learners from Pre-K to 12 and beyond. The curriculum is research-based and consistently integrates best practices across all grades to meet the needs of students. We integrate technology into the curriculum and provide access to technology at all levels. Educators use both formal and informal assessments to identify student progress, refine and revise instructional practices, and target professional development offerings as part of a comprehensive curriculum plan.
In efforts to support staff and students, the Superintendent, Central Office System-Wide Leadership Team and the schools work collaboratively to build a strong learning community. They advocate and manage resources across the system while working to build community understanding of the system’s educational programs and needs. In order to provide more opportunities for students, support natural transitions and address safety, careful consideration has been given to the reconfiguration and redesign of our current school facilities.
We are excited and anticipate your continued support as we bring this plan to fruition.
Student Achievement
Goal: Graduate college- and career-ready students.
SA 1) Increase academic achievement and growth for all students with a focus on literacy and math.
· Analyze and disaggregate assessment data to make decisions that support further student learning, guide students’ next steps, check progress toward meeting clear learning goals, and determine achievement.
· Analyze classroom observation results to make decisions that support further teacher learning and guide instructional next steps.
· Utilize evidence-based strategies to increase student achievement for all students.
· Expand and strengthen early learning programs.
SA 2) Reduce the achievement and opportunity gap between attendance zones, schools, and subpopulations.
· Analyze assessment results to identify and target disadvantaged students and underperforming groups.
· Provide equitable access to resources and programs.
· Utilize evidence-based strategies to increase student achievement for disadvantaged students and underperforming groups.
SA 3) Expand opportunities for students to meet at least one indicator of College and Career Readiness.
· Increase awareness of college and career readiness (CCR) and CCR indicator attainment.
· Increase offerings of Career & Technical Education (CTE) pathways and equitable access to earning an Industry-approved credential across schools.
· Promote Advanced Placement (AP) course offerings and provide support to increase qualifying scores.
· Expand partnerships with local community colleges and universities to increase dual enrollment opportunities.
· Expand partnerships with local industries to support students’ awareness and accessibility to workforce opportunities.
SA 4) Improve high school graduation rates.
· Provide rigorous and relevant instruction to better engage students in learning and provide the skills needed to graduate and to serve them after they leave school.
· Provide academic support and enrichment to improve academic performance.
· Develop “early warning” procedures to identify students at risk of dropping out and assign adult advocates to each student.
· Coordinate resources to support at-risk students.
SA 5) Develop opportunities to address computer science requirements in elementary, middle and high school, with a focus on integrating mathematics and STEM with Arts Integration.
· Identify and develop STEM with Arts Integration professional development for educators and administrators
· Identify strategic priorities of STEM with Arts Integration
· Develop a system wide plan to provide all students with hands-on experiences in the area of STEM with Arts Integration at each school.
Human Resources
Goal: Recruit, employ, develop, and retain professionals who are effective in achieving our mission.
HR 1) Recruit and employ qualified college and university graduates as employees.
· Partner with state and nearby colleges and universities.
· Attend in-person and virtual teacher recruitment fairs.
· Utilize strategies from ALSDE to recruit and retain teachers.
HR 2) Recruit and employ qualified graduates from Hale County Schools as employees.
· Provide opportunities for HCSS high school students to participate in education activities that assist in making career decisions to be employed as an educator in our school district.
· Create a “Grow Our Own” initiative to develop and employ future teachers.
· Participate in the Future Teachers of Alabama (FTA) program sponsored by the ALSDE.
HR 3) Develop and retain current certified employees.
· Provide new teacher orientation with a focus on the Alabama Educator Code of Ethics and school district expectations.
· Provide school-based and districtwide mentoring programs for new certified and current employees in need of support.
· Analyze results from exit surveys to determine possible areas of improvement.
· Provide targeted professional learning and job-embedded supports.
· Create competitive awards/rewards for employees to boost morale.
· Create extra financial incentives for tenure longevity in the school district.
Goal: Use emerging technologies to support teaching, learning, and work.
T 1) Expand opportunities for students and staff to utilize technology to develop understanding, demonstrate learning, and collaboratively work with peers.
· Provide equitable access to technology tools and resources across all school and district sites.
· Promote seamless integration of digital and online learning resources, tools, and platforms.
· Ensure that all classrooms have current, relevant and working technology.
· Add or enhance technology to improve student achievement when financially possible.
Learning Environment
Goal: Provide safe, supportive, and equitable environments.
LE 1) Ensure safety and security of all school facilities equitably.
· Identify needs of each site through the local facilities upgrade plan and implement scheduled initiatives
· Secure access to school sites and enhance digital video surveillance.
· Meet safety requirements established by laws, regulations, policies, and procedures.
LE 2) Expand access to social, emotional, and mental health supports.
· Monitor chronic absenteeism and analyze data to determine if certain groups are at greater risk of missing 18 or more days of school and act upon findings.
· Promote the use of evidence-based classroom management and social and emotional learning methods to foster a positive learning environment.
· Monitor Student Incident data, analyze data for trends in overall changes in frequency, determine if there is disproportionality in the rate of student disciplinary action, and act upon findings if concerns exist.
· Expand collaboration with local mental health agencies, social service agencies, and service providers.
Goal: Manage financial resources responsibly and transparently.
F 1) Ensure general fund and capital reserves adequately meet system needs.
· Implement effective financial and capital planning.
· Conduct budget monitoring.
· Reevaluate priorities at least annually.
F 2) Ensure compliance with federal, state, and local laws and regulations.
· Maintain effective communication of pertinent laws and regulations Progress monitor level of compliance.
F 3) Engage effectively with stakeholders on financial matters.
· Develop and implement a communication plan.
· Conduct periodic evaluation of the plan.
F 4) Employ sound business practices.
· Evaluate financial operations.
· Develop priorities for value-added services.
· Implement new or grow existing programs.
Communication and Culture
Goal: Communicate with employees and the community to inform, engage, and foster a culture of commitment.
CC 1) Enhance internal communication strategies and processes to notify and update employees about relevant information.
· Maintain digital forms of communication including Google Applications, e-mail, and district/schools websites.
· Disseminate information through in-person and virtual meetings.
CC 2) Expand external communication strategies and processes to inform and engage the community.
· Maintain digital forms of communication including district and school websites, social media accounts, and messaging applications.
· Inform stakeholders and community members about the successes and events in the school district.
CC 3) Demonstrate a commitment to fostering a positive, welcoming, and collaborative culture.
· Create trusting and caring relationships that promote open communication among administrators, teachers, staff, students, families, and communities.
· Provide education and opportunities to enable families to be actively involved in their children’s academic and school life.