If your child is running a fever of 1000 or higher. Please keep your child at home until they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications. Please call the school nurse to let her know of the absence and why.
· If your child is vomiting or has diarrhea, please keep them home until 24 hours after the last episode of vomiting or diarrhea. Please call the school nurse and let her know of the absence and why.
· If your child has a rash or lesions of unknown reason, it should be evaluated by a licensed health care provider before returning to school. Please provide a note from the licensed healthcare provider and also notify the school nurse.
· Hale County School System DOES NOT have a No-nit policy regarding head lice. However, should you suspect head lice, please treat your child before bringing them to school. Following treatment, the student is to be brought to the school nurse for further evaluation. Please call the school nurse if you have any questions.
· Open sores with or without drainage should always be covered. If you suspect a possible staph infection, please have your child evaluated by a licensed health care provider and contact the school nurse. Please bring a note when the child returns to school.
· Red or pink eyes, with complaints of itching, pain, watering, drainage or crusting, should be evaluated by a licensed healthcare provider. The child may return after 24 hours after the start of antibiotics. Pink eye (conjunctivitis) is highly contagious. Please call the school nurse and let her know of the absence and why.
· If your child has chicken pox, he/she may return after clearance from the licensed health care provider and when the blisters are dried and scabbed over (5-10 days after onset). Please call the school nurse and let her know as soon as a diagnosis is made.
· Please note that Hale County Schools are mandated to report all chickenpox and any other communicable disease cases to the Alabama Department of Public Health.
It is impossible to cover all illnesses. However, it is important for the health of all students, faculty and staff that your child not be at school when sick. However, if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s illness, please call the school nurse or your licensed health care provider.