Special Services SPE
Office of Special Services
Mrs. Jenny Huett, Director
Mrs. Kelly Brown, Psychometrist
Mrs. Ashley Clary, Collaborative Specialist
"Working Together for All Students"
Special Education in Hale County is referred to as Student Services. The Department of Student Services ensures that a free and appropriate education is provided for all children with disabilities, ages 3 - 21, consistent with state and federal guidelines. Special Education means specially designed instruction provided at no cost to parents, meeting the unique needs of children with disabilities, in the classroom, at home, in hospitals, and in other settings.
The department provides supportive leadership to parents, school administrators, and staff in their efforts to ensure a free and appropriate public education for all students. The Department of Student Services emphasizes students' abilities rather than their disabilities, offering services in the least restrictive environment and alongside nondisabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate.
The department collaborates with the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), Problem Solving Team (PST), Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Team (PBIS), and the Response To Instruction Team (RTI) at each school to identify teaching strategies and interventions that meet students' needs before a referral for special education evaluation.
Additionally, students who perform at high levels in academic or creative fields compared to their peers receive services through an enrichment program.
"Every student can learn, just not on the same day, or the same way." — George Evans