• Welcome to the Federal Programs Department 

    Hale County School System

    The Hale County School System has six schools that are Title I School-wide and receive federal funds allocated from the State Department of Education.  These are funds require the system to follow State and Federal guidelines regarding No Child Left Behind.  The system develops plans in the areas of Title I, Title II, Parental Involvement, Highly Qualified, English Learners, and Homeless Students.

     The system consults with the Hale County Accountability Roundtable that consists of members from each school in categories, as well as community leaders, parents, and students.  The Roundtable plays an advisory role in reviewing the needs assessment, set-asides, allocation of funds, systems' plans and evaluations of programs.

     The schools have Title I Leadership teams which consists of educators, community leaders and parents. As a team, they review the data that determines the goals, strategies, and action steps for the Title I School-wide Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP).  The team agrees on how the funds are budgeted in order to implement the CIP with success.  


    Dr. Robert Stewart

    Federal Programs Director


    Office: (334) 624-3051

    Fax: (334) 624-0475


    Instructional Specialist/504 Coordinator:   Rebecca Means   tmeans@halek12.org   (334) 624-2285

    Secretary:      Starwanthia King     sking@halek12.org    (334) 624-3051

    Bookkeeper:   Melanie Crawford    mcrawford@halek12.org   (334) 624-2288