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GHS 2024 SUMMER LEARNING is AWESOME! The students are having a BLAST!(See pictures to the left)APPLICATION: GHS Summer School and EnrichmentClick here for a downloadable application.PARENT CLIMATE AND CULTURE SURVEYParents, click here to take the survey. Your input is appreciated and needed.TITLE 1 PARENT SURVEYParents, click here to take the survey. Your input is appreciated and needed.The P.A.T.H Curriculum
Because our school is committed to every child’s wellness and life-long health, we will begin using the Prevention and Awareness for Total Health (PATH) curriculum on September 21, 2023. The P.A.T.H Curriculum is a school-wide approach to address mandated topics and strengthen character education. We believe that schools and families must work together for the betterment of the whole child, and communication is key. PATH will empower students to make choices that will protect their safety and create life-long physical and mental health. If you choose to have your child sit out of these lessons, please contact the school in writing that you prefer to opt out. Throughout the year, your child will participate in lessons on these topics: Abuse, Bullying, Self-Harm and Suicide, Substance Use, and Violence.
A RAIDER NATION Welcome to Principal Luther Riley! We look forward to working together to achieve great things. RaidersR.O.C.K!
SUMMER SCHOOL 2023 Greensboro High will have free summer school and summer enrichment starting June 5, 2023. Sessions are Monday through Thursday. Students must register by June 6th.
Title 1 Parent Survey Click Here to take the survey.
GHS Back to Basics
Greensboro High School (GHS) is dedicated to bridging the gap between Covid-19 pandemic learning and back to in-person learning. According to data, school closures during the pandemic affected our student achievement even more. GHS students have lost a great deal during this pandemic. What should have been a time of establishing more independence has been hindered by shelter-in-place recommendations. The staff of GHS has decided a typical nine-month school year will not be enough to address the disconnect. We are finding ways to keep more students learning through the normal school day, after school, the summer, as well as at home. We are addressing what our students need and how to provide it.
The post-pandemic crisis has shown us that parents have a bigger role to play in a child’s education. We are asking parents to take on a more support-oriented role by supporting their children in their studies as well as extracurricular activities.Here are some ways parents can support their children's education now:
• Monitor Your Child’s Learning
• Ensure that Your Child’s Education Remains Uninterrupted
• Share Personal Experiences
• Rewarding is the Best Policy
• Visit the School and TeachersWe must provide every student from every community and background the opportunity to gain back what was lost or missed. The programs that we are introducing to our students will ensure they have the opportunity to implement a comprehensive set of instructional strategies and motivational tools to positively impact their learning. The programs are as follow:
- Magoosh has found a sweet spot in the ACT prep world. With an online course that promise the students will get real results with only 20 minutes of studying each day, GHS has the opportunity to see great improvement on our ACT benchmarks and other learning limitations. Students and teachers can access Magoosh from anywhere on any device.
- In order to improve the method and delivery of our lessons, GHS has partnered with The Bailey Education Group. The Bailey Education Group is committed to improve the lives of all students through customized professional development and side-by-side teacher coaching for our faculty. This partnership is performed by certified instructional coaches with a deep understanding of state standards for Reading, Math, Science and Social Studies. We are so excited to be a part of something so powerful.
- GHS also offers an after-school tutoring program in order to connect students who want or need to focus on a specific academic topic or subject matter. These types of programs can take place on a one-to-one basis or in small groups; in-person. Parents keep in mind after-school tutoring helps students to complete their homework or any assignments for the next school day. This program is free to our students.
GHS is on NFHS Network: All future GHS events will be available on this network. Please follow the steps below to make sure you have access and never miss out on a RAIDER event again. GO RAIDERS
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Our vision at Greensboro High School is to create a safe, engaging, and rigorous environment that allows each student to reach his/her academic potential and enable them to successfully compete in a globally, diverse society.