• Curriculum and Instruction


    The Hale County School System diligently commits to implementing a curriculum that prepares the students to meet the challenging needs of our global society.  The coursework offered to students is within the state guidelines offering for each grade level. The school system ensures classroom instruction is aligned to the standards outlined in the Alabama Courses of Study for each subject area. 


    It is the mission of the Hale County School System to ensure that all students are provided the opportunity to participate in rigorous academic, technological, and workforce skills that meet their interests.  It is our goal to prepare students for postsecondary offerings such as continued education, work or the armed forces.  When students exit the Hale County School System, we know that ESSA (Every Student Succeeding Act) has been accomplished through the rigorous curriculum and instruction provided to our students.

    Alabama Plan 2020

    Vision: Every Child a Graduate- Every Graduate Prepared for College/Work/ Adulthood in the 21st Century


    Hale County Assessments


    The students in the Hale County School System are assessed using various forms of assessments.  The results of these formative and summative assessments are used by teachers to guide daily classroom instruction. Our goal is to ensure that our students are prepared to meet and exceed the accountability standards set forth by the state.



    aimswebPlus—K-5 grade students (administered 3 times a year)

    i Ready Assessments—6th -12th grade students

    PreACT—10th grade students

    ACT with Writing—11th grade students

    WorkKeys—12th grade students

    ACAP Summative—2nd-8th grade students (administered in the spring)

    ACAP Alternate Assessments—administered to students with significant cognitive deficiencies grades 2-8

    ACCESS for ELLs—all K-12 English Language Learning students

    AP Exams—students taking Advanced Placement Courses (administered in the spring)

    Civics Exam—requirement for all 12th grade students (administered at the end of course)


    Students will also take classroom weekly and nine weeks assessments for each content.


    Malinda S. White

    Curriculum and Instruction Director

    Assessment Coordinator

    334.624.8836 ext. 22083



    Instructional Specialist:  Cheryl Williams-Thomas chwilliams@halek12.org
