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Digital Literacy & Computer Science Standards


ISTE Standards: Students      Alabama DLCS

🔗Code.Org offers many courses, including Computer Science Discoveries. This course engages students in seven units focusing on problem solving, coding, the design process, and how computers engage society. 

🔗Digital Citizenship+

A resource platform created by Havard University, Digital Citizenship+ has a wide variety of lessons for middle and high school students for all aspects of Digital Life. 

🔗Common Sense Education

Common Sense Education provides lessons tailored to keeping students information safe and teaching young students on how to act appropriately online in today’s society. 

🔗Media Smarts (Canda)

Media Smarts contains lessons for all grade levels on a variety of topics. All topics relate real world problems to digital life.  

🔗DLCS Resources Website

Research activities by DLCS strand to find lesson plan ideas and tools for teachers and students to use. 


Sort by grade level, keyword, and activity type to find tools for your students to practice and apply knowledge of cybersecurity, ciphers, and digital citizenship in relation to cybersecurity. 

🔗Scratch Projects

A list of programs in multiple subject areas from MIT.

🔗Wicked EdTech - Digital Learning

A variety of resources for students, educators, and parents for Digital Media & Literacy. 

🔗Be Internet AWesome - Google

A curriculum to coincide with Google’s famous game Interland. Use this link to explore more resources for educators. 

Created by Katie Maddox, Chilton County Schools